
Showing posts from October, 2019


CLIENT SIDE SCRIPTING TECHNOLOGY VBScript Description - VBScript is a scripting language like Javascript which is used for creating the website more active and entertaining. - VBScript stands for Visual Basic Script. Advantages 1. Developing the Graphical User Interface is easy and also can connect to a different functions. 2. The code for the VBScript is easy to be written and also understandable. 3. VBScript can be used on performing an entertaining activities on to the website page. Example that used the VBScript - Internet Explorer Example code of VBScript Code Output SERVER SIDE SCRIPTING TECHNOLOGY ASP.NET Description - ASP.NET is a software for website development for creating a dynamic website. This technology allows the user to used programming language features such as C# for building the website application. - ASP stands for Active Server Page. Advantages 1. ASP.NET can make the code is easy to be deployed because the i...

Client and server side

Client Side Scripting - Client Side Scripting is the type of code that is executed or interpreted by browsers. - HTML (HyperText Markup Language) - CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) - JavaScript - VBScript (Visual Basic Script) - Ajax - jQuery Server Side Scripting - Server Side Scripting is the type of code that is executed or interpreted by the web server. - Server Side Scripting is not view able or accessible by any visitor or general public. - PHP (Hypertext PreProcessor) - ASP.NET - Ruby on Rails - MongoDB - MySQL - PostgreSQL

Server Technologies

WEB SERVER cam refer to hardware and software Web clients and Web servers Web Server Hardware Web Server Software Host Operating System

DNS and DNS Types

DNS Purpose The Domain Name System will be used for identifying the IP address of the website. How DNS Work? The DNS will work on converting the domain name of the website into an IP address inside the operating system. Diagram DNS queries DNS Query is known as the DNS request where it is used to send the request of the DNS by the user which is the DNS client to a DNS server. - Request of information (website) from the user PC to the server. Recursive Recursive query is when the DNS client is requesting the domain name, and then the DNS server will either respond an appropriate records of website or error messages if its not found. - Direct-responds - the client request and server respond immediately. Iterative  Iterative query is when the DNS client is requesting the domain name, and then the DNS server will respond the most appropriate resource for the client. - Responds answer (website) without querying other DNS server. - Request the domain name ...


1. Keep the Software Up to Date Always keep the website to be up to date so that no hacker will not easily access onto the information from the web server. - Need to keep the website up to date so that to protect it from getting new threats. 2. Block SQL Injection SQL injection is an attack which vulnerable on bypassing the security of the website application. By inputting validation and limiting the queries can prevent the SQL injection attacks. - adding of codes to the database with a proper language 3. Prevent XSS Cross-site Scripting (XSS) will manipulate the vulnerable website into a malicious code for the user and when it is executed, the attacker can access and interact with the user's application. - Client-side - the attacker create a script or code to bypass the security of the application. 4. Providing Minimal Error Messages  Creating a least error messages for the website to be secured so that the information of the website will not be lost. such as Err...


Domain Name - Alfiyah Internet Service Provider - Telbru - Price: $100 per year Website Hosting - Bluehost - Price: $3.95 per month Website Management - Joomla - Reason: A flexible system, easy to extend and customization.

WDD - Notes

ISP - Internet Service Providers - use a technology known as deep packet inspection in order to regulate network congestion (network traffic) and lessen Internet bottlenecks. - Example of ISP - Telbru Website Hosting - A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. - Web host are companies that provide space on a server owned or leased for use by clients, as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center. - Example of Website Hosting - Website Management - A Web Content Management System (WCMS) is a software system that provides website authoring, collaboration, and administration tools designed to allow users with little knowledge of web programming languages or markup languages to create and manage website content with relative ease. Example of WCMS: - - Joomla - Typo3 - Wordpress - October How does the Internet work? In...

WDD - LO1 - Servers

Explain what is a server. Give the purpose of each of the identified server.

Website Design & Development - LO1

Domain Names A domain name is an internet resource name which is used to identify a unique website. The domain name is address to the web server in order to determine the website. DNS Services The DNS services acts as a internet phone book where it will help to find the information inside the web server for the user. The Domain Name System service can be used to convert the IP address into a domain name of the website. Communication protocols to access a website: - HTTP - It is known as the HyperText Transfer Protocol which will be used for transferring files such as text, music, image and video onto the World Wide Web. FTP - It is known as the File Transfer Protocol which will be used for transferring files from the client onto the server. HTTPS - It is known as the HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure which will also be used for transferring files onto the World Wide Web that will be delivered within the secured connection. TelNet - It is a network protocol which will b...