Security Vulnerability Test - Virus Detection
Describe the test and purpose of the test. Virus detection is when is there a viruses that is detected on the computer by using the Antivirus software. The purpose of virus detection is to make sure whether there are viruses or any infected files or data that is inside the computer. Discuss how it works. Virus detection works when the user click "Scan" or "Scan your Computer" on the Antivirus software. Then the user will have to wait until the scanning to be completed. After the scanning is completed, the Antivirus Software will show how many of the data and files are scanned with the time duration. In here, the software will also show and detect if there are any virus threats inside the computer. Provide example of the test. Example: Comodo Antivirus Discuss the solution if there is vulnerability after a test. So when the virus threat is detected on the computer, then the user has to clear the virus threat by using the Antivirus software on the comput...